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Early detection is key when it comes to breast cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and CHI St. Vincent wants to remind you just how important screenings, mammograms, and self-exams are.

LITTLE ROCK, Ark — October -- the month when it's just so much fun to try and scare one another.

But you want to scare somebody? Remind women it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

But it doesn't have to be this way.

RELATED: Breast cancer screenings shouldn't stop because of COVID-19

"Breast cancer is one of the most treatable cancers that we have and the key to being able to treat the cancers is to find it early. Early detection is our goal here," said Dr. Prasertvit.

When Dr. Serinya Prasertvit says "here," she means the CHI St. Vincent Breast Center.

"So in our program, we help with genetic testing as well as screening, imaging, such as mammogram and MRI's, as well as clinical exams that go along with those," she explained.

Add that to instruction on the correct way to conduct self-exams, and you've got a team there to catch it early. One of those teammates is Dr. Brian Owens of Radiology Associates at the CHI St. Vincent Breast Center.

"Our goal is to identify these women who are at increased risk and provide them with a very individualized breast care plan that's right for them," Dr. Owens said.

And just who is high risk?

"That means that within your lifetime, you may have a 20 percent risk of developing breast cancer. You're considered high risk and you qualify for this extra surveillance program," Dr. Prasertvit said.

After all the tests and screenings, if something is found, CHI has a team of support staff in the surgery realm and oncology realm that can help take care of you.

"Our mission here is to increase breast awareness, breast health, as well as promote this during October and throughout the year," Dr. Prasertvit said. 

During October, let the kids try to scare you, but the doctors want to reassure you.

RELATED: Doctors urge women to still get annual mammogram during coronavirus pandemic

Everyone with the Breast Center at CHI St. Vincent wants you to know that every precaution has been taken to make their clinic COVID-19 safe.

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