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Shelby County to spend $2.5 million on COVID-19 relief package

Money allocated for testing, masks, gloves, thermometers, hand sanitizer, overtime costs, and additional items

SHELBY COUNTY, Tennessee —

In Thursday's Ransom Note: On a day when Shelby County Commissioners learned next year's budget is already $40 million in the red, today they voted to spend $2.5 million on a COVID-19 relief package. We thought you'd like to know how that money is being spent.

Surgical and n95 masks: $389,000
Tyvek suits: $250,000
Gloves: $112,000
Hand sanitizer: $50,000
Goggles: $25,000
Non-contact thermometers: $21,000

Under the category of community services: $500,000 for a "COVID assistance fund" and $328,000 for three social workers and a bilingual translator. Overtime pay: $315,000 and expanded testing through a grant to Christ Community Health: $500,000.

Look, our healthcare workers need more supplies, but money keeps going out, and no money is being cut. Thursday commissioner Van Turner warned a temporary tax hike might be needed. If you believe politicians can keep any tax hike temporary, I have a new vaccine for COVID-19 I'd like to sell you.

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