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Peer Power Foundation hosts summer camp to give high school students an academic boost

The summer camp will teach 9th-12th graders skills to help them in the future.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The Peer Power Foundation is holding a free summer camp at the University of Memphis.

The summer camp will give ninth through 12th graders an academic boost and teach them skills to help them in the future. It helps parents and students find solutions to improving English and math scores and even helps students prepare for the ACT.

Lead People and Program Officer Dr. Sara Benson said it will also be a duo camp with CodeCrew, another educational nonprofit in Memphis that focuses on robotics, AI and more.

Dr. Benson also said that although they only have capacity for 300 students and 350 have signed up, they may not all show up.

"Even if [you] don't register, if you just decide to show up, we're not going to turn anybody away. That is one of our policies here at Peer Power. We do not believe in turning students away that want to come to these camps," Dr. Benson said.

Program Director Sylvia Barnes said each day will start with an icebreaker before students go through a "carousel" of different sessions to teach soft skills, emotional learning and how to build healthy relationships. After this, students will have an hour of academic enrichment before ending the day with a fun activity, Barnes said.

The hour of academics will be Algebra I for ninth graders, English II for 10th graders and ACT prep for 11th and 12th graders.

The summer camp will take place from June 3 to June 28. For more information and to register, click here.

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