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Opinion | Memphis pulling out all the stops to try to get more people COVID-19 vaccinations | Richard Ransom

“Kudos to the city for realizing it’s time to go that extra mile with a new approach,” says Local 24 anchor Richard Ransom.
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In Thursday’s Ransom Note: how to get more of us vaccinated for COVID-19. We show you the numbers every night and how far behind we are from the rest of the country. 

The Daily Memphian is reporting Doug McGowen, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland’s guy to run the vaccination program, has decided it’s time to hit the streets --almost like a get out the vote effort-- from phone banks to knocking on doors.

Pop-up sites in the worst performing zip codes have helped, but McGowen says, like other campaigns, you spend 20% of your effort getting 80% accomplished and then you spend 80% of your effort on the remaining 20%.

That's where we are now. There are lots of reasons why so many people haven’t gotten their shots, and many will never be convinced, but research shows a good number of you just don’t want the hassle. Kudos to the city for realizing it’s time to go that extra mile with a new approach. Join the conversation by email (rransom@localmemphis.com), Facebook, or Twitter.

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