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Opinion | The public deserves more information about Shelby County Schools’ timeline to reopen | Otis Sanford

Local 24 News political analyst and commentator Otis Sanford shares his point of view on the ongoing battle over reopening schools.
Credit: WATN

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Shelby County Schools Superintendent Dr. Joris Ray is a man caught in the middle of swirling arguments and counter arguments over reopening schools to in-person classes. In the interest of public health, Ray has resisted intense political and economic pressure to get students back into schools – while COVID-19 continues to cause sickness and death. But make no mistake, Ray has his supporters, including school board members, state and local elected officials, and mostly African American community leaders.

I am on record as saying I believe the superintendent is acting in the best interest of students and their families – along with SCS faculty and staff. I still believe that. And yet, it is time for Ray and his administrators to lay out a comprehensive and cogent plan for returning students to the classrooms.

The planned reopening had been set to begin this coming Monday with Kindergarten through 5th grade. But Ray delayed it indefinitely, and now everyone is in limbo. I do think the public deserves more information about the district’s timeline. If school leaders don’t have one, they should get one.

 No one should doubt that in-person learning is far better than virtual classes – where students can tune out at all will – and in many instances have no adult supervision. None of this is meant to minimize the deadly virus. But let’s see a plan for reopening school doors. And that’s my point of view.

Shelby County Schools offers educational and employment opportunities without regard to race, color, religion, sex, creed, age, disability, national origin, or genetic information.

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