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Social distancing is an extremely important way to help stop the spread of COVID-19

As the coronavirus pandemic impacts almost every aspect of everyday life, each of us needs to do our part to help

MEMPHIS, Tenn. —

In Wednesday’s Ransom Note: social distancing.

Here in the Mid-South, it's not easy getting used to. We hug each other all the time, even strangers. Now we have to stay six feet away?

No malls, no zoos, no movie theaters, no basketball games, no groups over ten people. We're all asking: what are we going to do?

Then I think about generations before us who endured previous pandemics including the yellow fever. They didn't have Netflix, smart phones, or laptops with Skype and Facetime which allow us to still communicate instantly with our friends and loved ones. Our water supply isn't threatened. Our utilities work. Yes, our lives, our families are being forced to slow down, but forced family fun can be a good  thing.

Tonight I learned a fact that hit home more than any other I've heard. The U.S. Surgeon General now says 4 out 5 people who test positive for COVID-19 got it from someone who didn't know they had it. So if we don’t want a huge loss of life, we have to do this, and we'll get through it together.

Join the conversation by email (rransom@localmemphis.com) or my Facebook and Twitter pages.

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